Day 02 May12, 2004
Hi all,
Here we are day 2 in Loveland CO.
Decided to pull up stakes and move on to Estes Park, Co.
Prilly & Sue in front of Loveland Lake
Weather about 70 and sunny.
Some of you older folks knew Hopalong Cassidy. Well this is Happylong Cowboy.
On our way to Rocky Mountain National Park.
If you have a good chainsaw an old tree and lots of time this is what you can do.
Sue stops and does a little mining.
Rocky Mountain National Park
I feel like we're getting a little high.
Mountain goats.
Surefooted, walking on the edge.
Notice the coats are coming on and it's getting colder.
I found my cabin in the woods.
Looks like the Smokey Mountains only much bigger.
Wild flowers peeking up.
Lots of chipmunks
On top of the world.
Sue with her head in the clouds.
As you can see the snow is getting deep.
Now we know who the evial sister is.
This Elk is Taking it easy.
I'm ready for spring.
Starting to snow at Bear Lake.
This hat keeps the snow from going down my neck.
Starting to snow hard heading back to town.
You all take care, see you tomorrow.
Love Prilly, Ralph & Sue

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